President's Day, Monday, February 17th, NO school. It's a THREE Day weekend Riddle School District.
5 days ago, Riddle School District
President's Day
JH Boys Basketball & JH Wrestling sports pictures have been rescheduled to Friday, February 28th @ 3:00pm.
7 days ago, Riddle School District
Junior High Dance, Friday, February 21st.
8 days ago, Riddle School District
JH Dance
Panthers! We're running a two week fundraiser through Rip City Popcorn. Information is coming home with students, today.
8 days ago, Riddle School District
Senior Night! Help us celebrate our seniors at their final home basketball game, Tuesday, February 11th @ 6:00pm. Tipoff is at 6:30pm vs Milo Adventist Academy. Go Irish!
9 days ago, Riddle School District
Congratulations on a job well done to our JH Honor Band.
13 days ago, Riddle School District
JH Honor Band
Sports Photos today, Tuesday, February 4th. Please find the updated schedule attached.
15 days ago, Riddle School District
Photo Update
JH Girls Basketball 'B' Tournament has been moved to Camas Valley on Saturday, February 8th @ 9:00am.
15 days ago, Riddle School District
Winter Sports Photos Schedule Change! JH Boys basketball and wrestling will be postponed to a later date, due to the reschedule of the JH Wrestling meet today.
15 days ago, Riddle School District
JH Girls Basketball schedule change. Today's, 02/03, game against Glendale has been canceled. There will be regular practice.
16 days ago, Riddle School District
JH Wresting schedule change. Today's meet at North Douglas has been POSTPONED to tomorrow, Tuesday, February 4th. There will be regular practice today.
16 days ago, Riddle School District
The Irish Pride Auction will be held Saturday, March 15th @ 5:00pm. Please read attached letter for more details. Go Irish!
16 days ago, Riddle School District
Irish Pride Auction
Reminder! NO School on Friday, January 31st, for Teacher In-Service Day. The end of Second Quarter is here.
21 days ago, Riddle School District
No School
NO School! Riddle School District will be closed Friday, January 31st for a grading in-service day. It's the end of the second quarter, we are half way through the school year!
23 days ago, Riddle School District
No School
Val-A-Grams are here! Buy at either school office for $3.00. Last day to purchase is 02/11, delivery 02/14.
26 days ago, Riddle School District
2025 South County Athletics Baseball/Softball Registration is now open.
27 days ago, Riddle School District
Panthers! Mrs. Scott, our new RES Principal, would like to thank our parents for their great work. No exclusions!! All of our students are up-to-date on their Oregon required immunizations. Way to GO!
27 days ago, Riddle School District
Pat on the back
JH Wrestling Schedule Update! The JH Wrestling Meet at Glide has been rescheduled to Friday, January 24th @ 4:00pm. Go Irish!
28 days ago, Riddle School District
We are sad to announce Riddle Girls HS Basketball season has come to a close due to injuries and lack of numbers. There will be a team event tonight, Tuesday, January 21st @ 6pm, RHS gym. Go Irish!
29 days ago, Riddle School District
JH Wrestling Meet at Glide has been canceled today, Tuesday, January 21st. We'll see everyone for regular practice @ 4pm!
29 days ago, Riddle School District